Here is the map from Aurora to Breck and Back - A nice day in the mountains began with...

A morning shot of Abby chillin in the crib, Yes still Cute!

Then to the Dog Park with Rox - She wasn't as sociable as I'd hoped, but she did irritate the other dog owners by being a RockStar at catching the frisbee... Dog Parks have a pecking order and this rookie has a lot to learn... I met some other owners and they were cool, luckily no picking up of poop though!!

Abby's a One-Hander

Driving out to Breck with Lisa, Ali, Abby & Roxy

Roxy chillin in Frisco

Me and Four of the Six Chicks... Poor Rusky was at work... TOO BAD!

Roxy, Brittany, Lisa and Abby chillin OUTSIDE of another store in Breck... We had two Supa' Shoppers! Ali and Pam??? Yup

Ali in front the River that Roxy really didn't enjoy as much as the Missouri ones... Weird Huh?

Popular River today, Great Weather!

Pam, Abby and Britanny - P & B are M & D!

They sell HUGE delicious Cookies in Breck!

We Shared it around...

Then a deck party at Pam & Doug's Place - Our crew met up with Lisa's Parents Carol and 'Ol Buddy Mike!

I like kids.

Pam & Sammy & Doug - Great Hosts!
Today I found myself enjoying the mountian scenery of Colorado among new friends and my super-spoiled dog. Life doesn't get much better... I said SUPER-SPOILED dog, because in the last two days, she's lost any discipline that she had. I love her, am glad she's here, and now will have a challenge to teach her that she's not an: inside the house, on the carpet, human-food snack eater who goes Everywhere I do with full attention All Day! Ruskin's girls think it is hilarious and I would agree if I weren't her doggy-poppa. I am having a blast here in Co, and have a really swell home here for the next couple days. Thanks for checking in and I'll keep the updates coming. Hope you have a GREAT Weekend.
"Wherever You Are - Be There!"
- A
Soul is Free... Driftin' Away... Enjoy!
Dobie Gray's - Drift Away - 1973
Soul is Free... Driftin' Away... Enjoy!
Dobie Gray's - Drift Away - 1973
Great pics! I absolutely LOVE Breckinridge! That's where Matt & I honeymooned! Safe travels!