A nice night's rest has begun the day early... Although we may have a little car trouble this morning. I am letting the Trooper sit and think about what it's done for a while. So here I am. In a coffee shop. On the computer. Hmmm, places we never would have considered ourselves to be...

Yesterday's trip was South again. Starting out Beachside on the 1, I had several hours of fun on that coastal road in Northern Cali.

This was the view as I woke up in the front seat of the truck. Not too bad. They say Location, Location, Location. Right??

Roxy liked it too.

Ally - A fellow car-crasher, did better with Ranger Rick. She skipped the fee and was on her way north... MAYBE, my first encounter with a California Hippie!!

More Vista Points on my way south...

It was hard to capture the Gold, Green and Blue landscape. The GOLD was everywhere!

The Fog came and went along the ocean.

Wildly shaped... uhh, plants?? along the roadside.

The guy who ran this place was cool. I stopped across the street at a Coffee Co-Op?? More hippies :) Like I said before, I was the weird one out here. Very remote area, by the way. I only saw one Colorado plate on this drive. Everyone else was Cali.


Stopping here, getting quiet. Listening to ocean and wind... Nice.

Cattle Grazing. They did look Happy!

More Green, Gold and Blue

Some cool houses with great ocean views.

Hmm, can't remember where this was. More people starting to show up. More little towns on the bays. Oyster bars right on the water.

We were starting to find a line of cars heading to where we'd come from. Beaches were getting busy. A couple small towns were stuffed with people and Sunday happenings... We were going the Other Way.

Fun driving roads. Getting closer to San Fran. Bicyclists were all over these roads too. Quite a dance of cars and bikes on the narrow windiness... Our side of the road was much less busy. I figured a Sunday at the Beach would probably involve several hours of driving for folks that lived maybe 40 miles away??

Stopping for fuel right before the Golden Gate Bridge. Really glad I picked this exit. Seeing those houses all stacked up and action down by the water was great.

More of San Fransisco

Crossing this bridge was REALLY fun. The scale was so huge, I was laughing out loud in the car. I hit this kinda by accident. A Happy Accident!

I was overcome with joy at this experience. I don't know why, I guess because i didn't expect it.
The other thing I didn't expect was that I would realize that my cousin Megan and her kids would never be able to do this kind of stuff together as they grow up. My Heart Was Shredded. I am not asking you. I am telling you. Everyone needs to know about the way to Financial Peace. EVERYONE. If you think things are fine and can honestly say that money never brings one ounce of stress in your life, then learn the baby steps anyway, and pass that information on to others. There Are Answers out there, there is hope for Every Situation. The stress of financial trouble is Real. It does and has killed people. Dave Ramsey's books are a great place to start.
I will personally give The Total Money Makeover book to anyone who will take one. If you don't like to read, listen to Dave's Radio Show, or get the podcast online for Free, or go to his website and get the basics for Free there. OR, hire me to be your personal financial fitness coach, and I'll walk through the process with you.
This is my heart speaking to yours. The only reason that I am able to Live Like No-One Else, is that I first had to learn to Live Like No One Else. All of these fun times I have experienced now, are possible because a couple short years ago I started the process with taking control of my finances and my life. With Freedom from Debt, comes Real Freedom.
I will get down off of my soapbox now. Go back to enjoying the road. This moment of realization hit me like a brick wall at 100mph. I've shared all of my realizations with you and this is one more. Thank You.

This valley south of San Fran was agricultural, Hot and busy. Once again we seemed to be going the opposite way of everyone else. The traffic was light, fast and easy going. What a contrast from the 1 highway's tight twisties. I was ready for that!

More hills and crops.

Getting close to Morro Bay. The possible stopping point for the night.

Eureka!! The only available campspot was mine! This is an ADA campsite, it can only be rented for 1 night and after 5:00pm. Perfect for us!
Several times throughout the day Rox and I found ourselves in relative peace on Our Side of the road. Going the Other Way than everyone else... A metaphor for this whole trip?? YES.
With Love and Gratitude
- A
Okay, couldn't resist, I heard it twice yesterday in a row by flipping through radio stations out here.
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