Sweet drive this morning from Atwood to Denver. All the boring stories of I-70 were gone as I moved across western colorado in rising hills and panoramic fields. Perfect timing now as Harvest in full swing!

A nice stop at Last Chance, Co for luch. Roxy and I enjoyed the driving break and a busy little spot on the road for travelers to stretch their legs...

And of course, a Roxy and landmark pic.

More great clouds and vast views :)

Hope you like pics like this... I'll post them for the next month... I am taking a poll, so lemme know your vote...

We arrived at Aurora at Ruskin and Lisa's house in the afternoon... Baby Abbi is so sweeet!

Dinner at Ryan and Kat Dole's was when I got to meet Aiden for the first time, sweet boy liked my kiddo skills - he slept in my arms while we chatted.

Okay - This is cute on many levels... Right??

Aiden Christopher - 1 week old, Abigail Grace - 14 Weeks!

Ali (Lisa's Cousin) and Abbi - Chillin :)

Nice End to a Nice Day!!! In Denver for the weekend, looking forward to more Good Times.
What a contrast from the starkly vacant beauty of western Kansas, to the bustling business of outer-Denver. I've known the guys in these pics for over 10 years and consider them great friends. Another thing to consider is how life is constantly changing and yet stays the same. So the twins have kids now... BUT, they both have babies, born about the same time... Life changes, but their version of this journey, A pairing that started before they were born, continues to unfold as a pair... Poetic? I think so.
I feel fortunate to start my trip out with stops at such familiar family places.
Thankfulness washed over me as I headed out on the road this morning. A feeling I know will continue. Thank You God, For This Blessed Opportunity!
Thankfulness washed over me as I headed out on the road this morning. A feeling I know will continue. Thank You God, For This Blessed Opportunity!
- A
The Band of Heathans is something I definetly recommend to check out. This song of course connects me to all of the Ohio family - it's slow, but worth the listen... THANKS!!
The Band of Heathans is something I definetly recommend to check out. This song of course connects me to all of the Ohio family - it's slow, but worth the listen... THANKS!!
You are doing a good Job. Uncle Bob.
ReplyDeleteHey Brother- enjoying your blog, looks like a great trip! I hope Roxy had a great bath before she was wallering on someone's carpet! I'm sure she is loving it. The babes are adorable, have a great weekend! Love ya, be careful!