Here is yesterday's news and I hope you had a great weekend!

We broke camp and headed straight into Zion National Park yesterday. Here is the route that took us to Durango, Co.

Down by the River, Roxy found a morning friend to play with. They wuz a' goin' CRAZY!!

Haven't even entered Zion yet and the views are Remarkable!

Just inside the South Entrance, these two Gigantic formations are looming thousands of feet up.

The switchback road gives you several great looks at this same spot. Awesome. The pics (once again) can't show the sheer size of the wall of rock.

More cool formations.

Standing outside the truck, waiting for the tunnel to clear, we enjoy the feeling of tininess.

The difference in types of rock, types of formations and color is astounding.

Masterpieces of Creation are everywhere you look.

We stopped for a quick photo op and good thing we did.

We exited the park just after these pics. Zion would be a great place to homebase and hike and photograph for days!

This whole area is so interesting.

Massive cliffs and Mesas surrounded our drive for the entire day. A mind has to wonder how certain parts of the earth were skyrocketed in enormous chunks, while the area around was left pancake flat... A smile and more wondering when you see the cracked open canyon crevasses that mirror-in-reverse the grand height of the mesas.

The Colorado River here was green, and spectacularly far away from us under the Navajo Bridge.

A warm spot but worth the stop.

This flatlander from Kansas, just can't get enough of these colorfully dazzling views.

I mean Really!! What are these things doing out there!!

The variations on the theme are endless.

I was so glad to see this display of blue, white, red, green and tans of every shade.

You know me and those cloud pics! Yup, I've got more to come!

This one was Church Rock. Our whole day of just cruising through northern Arizona was full of things like this... The entire journey was Eye Rock Candy.

This cloud bank was GIGANTIC!!! We watched it in the distance for hours...

Red Mesa and we're getting closer to Four Corners.

This may have been the beginning of the Ute Mountians in Colorado. We skipped across the corner of New Mexico - The last new state on the list :(

That huge cloud bank hung out to give us the first real rainstorm of this trip.

I like all the things that Mother Nature has to show us and this storm was one of them.

The area here is also really interesting. A little dark for photos though...

Near Durango we pulled into Leightner Creek Campgrounds. Our first rainy setup, but all was good.

The three of us chillaxed in the tent for a bit and enjoyed a cold one. Actually, I enjoyed Roxy's for her.

Night came to a close with Steaks on the grill, laundry in the wash, a little refreshing brew, and technology to keep us up to date with the world. A rainy Sunday night in the tent doesn't get any better.
The painted rock of Arizona kept us in awe for an entire day of driving. We wondered and discussed and tried to make sense of the incomprehensible.
If you are a master of your craft, and you've done it all: Created the Oceans wide and the Mountians grand, then I could see the joy in sculpting these wildly intricate, ornately decorated and sometimes ridiculous stone formations. Thanks again God. You ROCK!
Have a great day, I know I will :) Million Dollar Highway, here we come!!!
- A
Glad you,Nick and Rox are having so much fun. Just wish I could have been there to sing you a song.