Lots of fun stuff has happened since yesterday, so here is your update, Hope you enjoy the views, I know I did!

The Honorable and Handsome Mike Kucera (Lisa's Dad) took us all out for lunch at McCabe's Bistro and we scanned over some maps he brought before eating a great meal. Thanks Again Mike!!!

This map shows the route that Ali and I took up to Devil's Head Campground for a night in the Rockies! I've wanted this trip to be about sponteneity, and when a cute girl says she wants a night in the mountains... There was only one answer. Hell Yes!

The're a washboarded chatterbox road about eight mile into the forest to get to Devil's Head. Worth the drive!! Lots of dirtbikers and atv'rs were out for thier sunday rides.

Our campspot was gorgeous and after we set up the tent, things were coming together.

Of course, firewood was nowhere to be found... until we went and found some!

Lean on me...

This campground was full of huge boulders and lots of cool spots for photography.

I'm getting pretty good at the self-timer thing!


Who put those rocks there?? A common question with only one answer. "All things are possible through God" and beautiful work too, I might add.

Can you guess the title of this pic?? Please stop here and just take a moment to reflect on this picture... It easily brings the flow to my eyes.
Okay, so I'm sure you're wondering about Ali and how the two of us ended up on a mountain top. She is a cousin of Ruskin's wife and of course a beautiful girl. Here is the rest of the story, told with her permission...
At the age of 23 Ali was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She is 30 now and personifies the class and strength of someone who's met challenges that are not immediately evident, but nontheless serious. Her pics show a vibrant and beautiful girl and to meet her, you would notice the same. She also wakes up every morning to health issues that would bring rock-hard men to their knees. She'd dealt with paralysis for months at a time, temporary and partially permanent blindness and constant chronic pain and fatigue. She's usually not able to work a full-time job although she would love to and would be a great asset with her HR skills. I've enjoyed spending the last few days getting to know her and now consider her a great friend. Our connection was just that, a friend for life, I'm lucky to've met a spirit that has braved such battles. Thanks Ali for the Laughs & the Fun!
She has a book in the works that documents her personal struggles and successes in dealing with MS at a young age. A blog will be coming out soon as well. I'll post her link as soon as I get it, I'm sure it will be great and powerful reading.
I head out now toward Estes and will be rockin the road with Roxy for the next few days. Not sure when I'll update again.
My soul is calm this morning, waking up among the giant rocks and sounds of the mountians. Tears come easily. I am a Wealthy Soul.
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My soul is calm this morning, waking up among the giant rocks and sounds of the mountians. Tears come easily. I am a Wealthy Soul.
- A
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